أخر الأخبار

Fur General Shura Council: Port Sudan Group’s actions are invalid and we affirm the legitimacy of Sultan Ahmed

Fur General Shura Council: Port Sudan Group’s actions are invalid and we affirm the legitimacy of Sultan Ahmed

The Fur Tribe Shura Council issued a statement denying the decision to depose Sultan Ahmed Hussein Ayyoub Ali Dinar. The statement clarified the tribe’s position on the Rapid Support Militia. The statement added: The Shura Council’s position on the Rapid Support Janjaweed is to fight them to reclaim our usurped lands and restore our squandered dignity. There is no room for compromise in this regard, especially from those who licked the tables of the Rapid Support and received gifts from it.
The statement said that the Shura Council is a social entity and a supreme authority in the tribe, and is legally and customarily composed of the heads of the Fur civil administrations who own the known administrative estates, numbering thirty-four, in addition to the Dar Bakr estate in Gedaref.

The statement confirmed the invalidity of all decisions announced at the press conference on October 14, 2024 AD in Port Sudan. The statement called on the Shura Council from the community entities and official state agencies not to legitimize the decisions that confiscated the tribe’s right through invalid procedures that violate customs.

Here is the text of the statement.

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

General Shura Council of Fur

Date: 13 Rabi` al-Awwal 1446 AH corresponding to October 16, 2024 AD

Statement on the decision attributed to the Fur Shura Council to dismiss Sultan Ahmed Hussein. God Almighty said:

(Indeed, those who have persecuted the believing men and believing women and have not repented – for them is the punishment of Hell, and for them is the punishment of the Burning Fire) Al-Buruj (10). God Almighty is true

On October 14, 2024 AD; SUNA reported that the Shura Council and Notables of the Fur dismissed Sultan Ahmed Hussein Ayyoub Ali Dinar, and that it assigned Al-Muqaddum Salah al-Din as a replacement Sultan, and that the assigned Sultan appointed a number of members to the Shura Council in addition to forming a high committee to manage the crisis.

The Shura Council would like to clarify the following to the sons of the tribe and others alike: –

First: The Shura is a social entity and a supreme authority in the tribe, and it is legally and customarily composed of the heads of the Fur civil administrations who own the known administrative farms, numbering thirty-four, in addition to the farm of Dar Bakr in Gedaref. To these were added by election well-known members who were considered to have the ability to enrich the council with knowledge, experience, asceticism, meeting generations and loyalty… In the case of major decisions such as choosing the Sultan, for example; the notables of the tribe spread outside the Darfur region join them. It goes without saying that the power to dismiss the Sultan is a right guaranteed to those who elected him. No one has the right to confiscate this right tyrannically or to serve his personal, family and domestic ambitions and desires. The right here is the right of the owners of the hawakir and the notables specified according to the oldest customs in Sudan known as Dali’s Law. Second: The one who held the aforementioned press conference, after confiscating the tribe’s right, sought to justify and claim that the process of deposing the Sultan was motivated by the fact that he is an ally of the Rapid Support Militia! Here we would like to clarify to the public opinion in Sudan and to the sons of the tribe as well that this is not at all our disagreement with those who confiscated the Shura decision

with decisions that the Shura did not hear about except in the press conference!

The disagreement is methodological and procedural, due to a small group that is not authorized to carry out dismissal and appointment operations that do not have

authority by origin or authorization. It is strange that people identify with the pretext against the Sultan and our people

Evidence that incriminates them for their positions in the war before and after the war

They suckled from the breast of the Rapid Support Bleeding with blood and serious violations against the Fur; Then they are keen to come out like a hair from the dough! What double standards are these that they follow as an approach and to obscure their truth? As for the procedural difference that they fell into; it is their demolition of the norms that regulate dismissal and assignment. It would have been better for them to gather the real right holders and take their opinion on dismissal and assignment.. We point out the invalidity of the claim that it is not possible to take opinions from those who constitute the people of solution and contract for such decisions in light of the war, as it is possible to hold spherical meetings like the one we did after their press conference with the Sharati in Darfur, but it is proven that they avoided that because they knew that the heads of the civil administrations were not with them.

Third: The Shura Council, after communicating with the absolute majority of the Shura members, originally from the Sharati and the elected notables, and according to its legal formation, decides the following: –

1 – The invalidity of all decisions announced in the press conference on October 14, 2024 AD.

2 – We refuse to link the rejection of the aforementioned decisions with the burdens of the positions of the tribe or the Shura members towards the Rapid Support Forces or whoever is loyal to them, whoever he may be. Our refusal is related to the refusal to confiscate the tribe’s decision by a group that does not have the legitimacy to approve it, and is working to establish a dictatorship that confiscates our destiny to serve irrational whims.

3 – The Shura Council confirms its position on the Rapid Support Janjaweed. Which is to fight them to reclaim our usurped lands and restore our squandered dignity. There is no room for compromise in this, especially from those who licked the tables of the Rapid Support and received gifts from it.

4 – The Shura Council requests the community entities and the official state agencies not to give legitimacy to the decisions that confiscated the tribe’s right through invalid procedures that violate customs, in order to preserve the unity and cohesion of the largest community entity in Sudan. Unity and cohesion are a necessary requirement to reclaim the homeland from the Rapid Support Janjaweed.

And victory comes only from God, the Almighty, the Exalted

Shura Council and Fur Notables

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